Children's Ministries (Overview)

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 9:14

We view children as blessings at Clear Fork Alliance. Because of this, we make sure that every opportunity to minister to them is done in a safe and loving atmosphere. From our Wednesday night TeamKID program to our newly remodeled nursery, we want to teach our children to love God.

Children's Church

Children’s church is available weekly during the second half of the morning worship service. The children attend the worship service with their parents for the first half, and then are dismissed just prior to the adult sermon.

Children’s Church is offered for age 3 through 2nd grade. In addition to teaching a Bible lesson, the children participate in a number of different hands-on and age-appropriate activities such as crafts, games, music, and sometimes snacks.


Clear Fork Alliance Church has a beautiful nursery facility which provides a safe, loving, fun, comfortable, and clean environment for infants and toddlers during church services. All nursery workers at Clear Fork Alliance undergo careful screening and safety and security guidelines are followed to insure the safety of our children. A sign in sheet is also used for security purposes when children are dropped off or picked up. Our child-to-worker ratio is maintained as closely as possible. A minimum of two caregivers oversee the nursery during each session. While working in the nursery the workers are able to still listen to the service through speakers in the room.

Nursery is provided for children 3 and younger on Sunday morning for both Sunday school & worship as well as on Wednesday evening for children 3 and younger. Parents can drop off their children up to 10 minutes before the start of the services. Nursing mothers are always welcome in the nursing nook (located in the infant nursery). This area provides privacy and is equipped with rocking chairs, a bassinet, and a changing table.

Sunday School

There are two children’s Sunday school classes that begin at 9:30 each Sunday morning. The younger class consists of children ages 3 through kindergarten while the older class is designed for children grades 1 through grade 6. (Parents of 6th graders can elect to have their children participate in the youth group sunday school class.) Children are taught a Bible story and also participate in other activities such as crafts and song time.


TeamKID meets every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 pm. TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. Each week at TeamKID, children will participate in Bible stories, scripture memory, life application, missions, songs, recreation, and snacks. All of these activities will connect to help teach life lessons to kids.

The TeamKID motto describes what we try to accomplish in the club: Learning About God, Using the Bible, Living for Jesus. As a team we will set goals for learning verses. Each time that we reach our goal we will celebrate with a victory party. Last year, these included a cupcake party, safari party and pirate party. In addition to reciting verses, team members will also be able to earn points for the team by completing acts of service for family members and others.

This year, the theme for kids in first through sixth grade is “Step Out.” Kids will study great stories and people in the Bible in chronological order while learning to have courage to step out and do what is right in all parts of their lives!

Our preschoolers and kindergarteners will be using the theme “Follow the Leader.” Kids will follow God as their leader by learning to recognize what He wants them to know and do.

Parents, please make sure that you walk your child into the building each Wednesday and help them to get signed-in at the registration table. The children should then proceed to the sanctuary for song time. At the end of the evening, please make sure that you pick your child up from his/her classroom and sign them out. Remember also to encourage your child to bring his/her Bible each week.

Vacation Bible School

Age 3 – 6th Grade

Discover the incredible mysteries of the final frontier—right from your own backyard. Your telescope becomes a portal through which you encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. But the most amazing wonder to be discovered truly boggles the mind. The God who created everything there is—the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible—wants a relationship with you! And from the very beginning, God had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break.

BIBLE VERSE: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:15-16

Motto: Searching the visible, discovering the invisible

VBS June 9 - 13 2025 @ 6:00-8:30pm More Information

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