This Weeks Prayer Focus



As battle through the ramifications of the Corona Virus pandemic, let us continue to focus on the “oil” of the Holy Spirit. There are seven parts to this prayer guide as we focus on the theme “Healing Oil,” which we will use as our prayer guide for an hour of prayer tonight. You may also use it for a seven day person or family devotional prayer guide.

Where does our “oil,” that is, the Holy Spirit, come from? He comes through the Father through His Son Jesus. It comes through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s primary role is to testify to people about Jesus Christ (John 15:26). It’s interesting that the word “Gethsemane” means “olive press.” Almost all “oil” referred to in the Bible is olive oil which is squeezed out by crushing olives. At Gethsemane Jesus was burdened by our sins to the point where sweat was squeezed from Him like drops of blood (Luke 22:44). On the cross Jesus’ Spirit was squeezed from His body as He died for our sins (Luke 23:46).

1. Oil of Praise – Read Exodus 30:29-38

In the Old Testament, the priest was set apart through application of a special oil. Jesus is our Eternal High Priest who intercedes for us and opens the way for us to come before the throne of heaven (Hebrews 4:14-16). One of the functions of the priest in the Old Testament was to make an offering of incense to the Lord.

The Bible says we are “priests” (I Peter 2:9) whose prayers go up to heaven and are like a sweet smelling incense to God (Psalm 141:2 and Revelation 8:3-5).

Although the corona virus has brought upheaval to the world and disrupted our lives in many ways, God is still on the throne and the virus cannot affect the amount of prayers reaching that throne room unless it is an increase in the number of people praying!

Take a few moments to offer prayers of praise to God!

2. Oil of Preparation – Read Leviticus 2:4; Romans 12:1-2; Psalm 139:23-24

Oil was an indispensable ingredient for cooking. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be an indispensable ingredient for heart preparation; a heart that hungers for righteousness, a heart that is so Christ-like as to make Christ palatable to a lost world and a heart that is prepared to pray.

First, you must know Jesus as your Savior. He is the only way to heaven (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). It is only the Holy Spirit who can convict of sin and cause one to know Christ as Savior (John 14:7; 16:7-11).

Now, because of God’s love for us, we have both Jesus (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25) and the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:27) enabling us to come before Heaven’s Throne in prayer. The corona virus may have made you feel rather helpless, but you’re not. As long as you can pray you have a powerful response to the virus. We might not even know what to pray at times but the Spirit will help us (Romans 8:26).

Take some time to prepare your heart for how God will use you in prayer. Confess your sins – He will forgive (I John 1:9). Give Him your burdens, He will help you bear them (Matthew 11:28-30). Ask Him for wisdom and He will give it (James 1:5).

3. Oil of Anointing – Read I John 2:20, 27

Oil was used to anoint persons to designate them for special positions, including priests (Exodus 28:41), prophets and kings (I Kings 19:15-16). The Bible says those of us who know Jesus have a special anointing of the Holy Spirit that marks us as especially belonging to Him.

The corona virus can wreak a lot of havoc. It can bring sickness, economic ruin and even death. But, if you belong to Christ, the virus cannot touch the Holy Spirit in you. You are destined for heaven and have a special role to play while on earth. One of the great ways to fulfill the role you have now is to pray.

Take time to reflect on who you are in Christ. Take time to thank God for all His promises and who He says you are. You are forgiven, chosen, loved, empowered…. You are His child, you are an heir, you have a seat of honor with Christ in heaven!

The word Messiah (Hebrew) and word Christ (Greek) both mean “Anointed One.” Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18) and everyone who is a saved follower of Jesus also has an “anointing” of the Holy Spirit (I John 2:20,27).

4. Oil for the Lamp – Read Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12). Just as olive oil is the fuel that kept the lamp burning in the Bible, so also the Holy Spirit wants to burn brightly in our lives so that people will know who Jesus is by what we say and what we do (Philippians 2:12-16).

The corona virus limits so much of what we can do right now yet, through prayer we are discovering creative ways to let our light shine in our families, our church family, neighborhoods and communities. Pray and ask God what YOU can do to let your light shine. When God gives you an idea and you put feet to it, share it with the rest of us!

5. Oil for Healing – Read Luke 10:30-35

Jesus is our Healer. He still has the power to heal today. In the parable of the Good Samaritan the oil was poured into the wounds of the victimized traveler. The oil reminds us of the work of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of anointing with oil for healing (James 5:13-16). Accompanying the anointing with oil is prayer for healing.

The corona virus is spreading even as you are reading this. It is time to pray. Take some time to pray for those who have the virus, families of those who have, have had or have succumbed to the virus. Make a special focus of your prayer time interceding for protection and blessing upon professional health care workers and those who work in health care facilities.

6. Oil of Gladness – Read Psalm 133

Jesus is the Head of the church (Colossians 1:18) and the Father has supremely anointed His Son with the oil of gladness (Hebrews 1:8-9). Jesus’ anointing is the Holy Spirit and that same Spirit is what unites the church (I Corinthians 12:13). The Good Shepherd anoints His sheep and our cup runs over with joy (Psalm 23:5). True fellowship in Christ brings a joy that is described by the priestly anointing of Aaron, the oil that ran down his beard! We are part of Christ’s body and we enjoy a spiritual bond through the Holy Spirit.

The corona virus is hindering our ability to fellowship together. But no virus can keep us from lifting one another in prayer. Pastor Denny Nezrick introduced me to the idea of praying over the phone with people many years ago and I’ve been doing a lot of that during these times of confinement. But whether or not you are praying WITH someone you can still pray FOR them. Take time to do that right now. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Don’t forget our dear shut-ins in nursing homes that we are unable to see right now. Pray for other churches in your community, in your nation, in the world. We just got word that Christian church buildings are being destroyed and Christians are undergoing persecution in the African nation of Guinea. Please pray for them.

7. Oil of Honor – Read Luke 7:44-46

It was customary to show honor to a guest by offering anointing oil for the face and hair. Simon the Pharisee failed to show due honor to Jesus as the woman had. The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due (Romans 13:7). Certainly we honor Christ above all, which is a primary function of the Holy Spirit.

We are looking for leadership during the corona virus pandemic. Take time to pray first thanking God for leading us through this time. Now pray for the President, Governor Dewine, legislators and local officials. Even now the Senate and congress are debating the aid package. Pray for resolution. Pray for business leaders and church leaders who have had to make many difficult decisions throughout this crisis.